
Home Buying Ranked as “Most Stressful” Event in People’s Lives

Under Real Estate

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August 16th, 2018

Most people are aware that buying a home is a confusing and complicated process, but a new survey from Homes.com shows that for many of us, it’s also the most stressful experience we’ll ever go through.

Homes.com’s survey of 2,000 consumers found that 40 percent of Americans saying buying a new home is the “most stressful event in modern life”, while another 44 percent say they felt nervous as they worked their way through the process.

Events such as a job interview, applying for college and hosting a Thanksgiving dinner were all ranked as being less stressful than buying a home.

“First-time homebuyers are often stressed and overwhelmed when making such a large purchase like a home,” said David Hoegerman, Homes.com senior manager of content. “As a result, they are looking for guidance and assistance to help make the process easier and smoother.”

There are a number of specific problems that the home buying process can cause, according to the survey :


Other findings from the survey show the average American viewed six properties before settling on the one they wanted. However, Hoegerman said that in some cases people may have made a decision too quickly due to the stressfulness of the buying process.

Hoegerman came to this conclusion because a worryingly high ten percent said they felt buyer’s remorse after buying their home.

“At the end of the day, buying a home is often the largest purchase the average American will experience in their lives,” Hoegerman said. “While it can be stressful and overwhelming, there are steps people can take to alleviate the tears and arguments that are bound to arise.”

“By doing research and discussing your desires and needs with your real estate agent, you can find a home that meets your needs while also staying within your budget,” he said.

Home Buying Ranked as “Most Stressful” Event in People’s Lives by Mike Wheatley | Realty Biz News

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