Real estate marketing trends seem to come and go so quickly that you might feel like you need to keep your eyes peeled: blink and you’ll miss it. Believe it or not, though, but there are plenty of tell-tale signs as to what the future may hold when it comes to real estate professionals and the marketing techniques that you’ll be working with in the months to come.
Traditional Advertising Isn’t Dead
Does it seem strange to begin a conversation about real estate marketing trends for the future by talking about traditional advertising methods? It might seem counter-productive but the truth is that traditional marketing is alive and well, even as we’re firmly ensconced in the 21st century. Methods like print advertising, direct mail, and broadcast advertising are still major players even today in a world where digital marketing is being pushed as the big thing.
Traditional advertising does have a few advantages in that it’s much more tangible. A print ad on a diner placemat is something prospects can see and touch, for example. Likewise a television or radio commercial is still considered a “big deal” to many. Marketers think so, at least; around $250,000 is spent every year by real estate professionals. on radio and television marketing combined.
Focus on Hyper-Local Markets
Real estate marketing has always been a geographical game. Your realty business most likely focuses on specific regions; this can be as broad as your entire state, span just a few counties, or be reduced to just a few neighborhoods. The key, though, is that the more specificity you choose for your chosen market, the better you can serve the clients that want to live in that specific market.
Marketing tools have been evolving rapidly to the point where it’s easier than ever to focus on a hyper-local market. You can create online content that targets specific elements of a neighborhood to showcase your authority as an expert, partner with local businesses or sponsor neighborhood charities or beautification projects, or give away gift baskets laden with coupons to local restaurants whenever a new homeowner moves in. Cornering the market on your corner of the world has never been easier.
Get Online, Stay Online
Finally, no discussion of real estate marketing trends for the future would be complete without an in-depth look at digital marketing techniques and movements. The content marketing era is fully upon us, and that means providing engaging content to consumers through digital channels such as your real estate website as well as through your social media accounts. It also means interacting with followers bilaterally online — you’re not just creating and sharing interesting, entertaining, or thought-provoking content, you’re also leading discussions on that content as well.
Visual content has become one of the leading ways to connect with digital audiences recently. Thanks to the fact that image and video sharing site Instagram has 500 million users and that Facebook’s user base comprises around more than 72% of the American population, sharing images and video has become increasingly effective in connecting with audiences. With digital technologies only becoming more advanced as time marches on, real estate marketing trends for the future are only going to rely more on things like sharing images and live video, so be prepared for the coming demand now!
Real Estate Marketing Trends for the Future : What to Expect by Ben Shepardson | Realty Biz News
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