
Smart Email Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Agents

Under Real Estate

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December 12th, 2019

Is email marketing dead? If you are in the real estate business, you have most likely heard marketers claim that email is no longer relevant. The numbers however paint a different picture. Many people today still rely on email as the main communication tool.

This is the most professional form of communication and real estate marketers rely on it for multiple reasons. From client acquisition, client retention, product listings, promotions, lead generation, lead nurturing to branding, businesses have yet to harness the full potential of email.

According to CMI, 87% of marketers rely on email marketing to nurture leads. 82% of companies use email marketing technology. 59% of marketers hail email as their top source of ROI. All these numbers highlight the importance of email marketing for any business today. If you have a real estate agency, you should learn new ideas to get the best out of your email campaigns.

Below are some creative ways to improve your emails for more effectiveness.

Value Addition with an Email Newsletter

When thinking of an email campaign, go beyond automated emails and instead add value through an informative newsletter. The real estate industry has a lot of content you can share with prospective leads and existing clients. It is a smart move for lead generation and nurturing.

Include interesting content about the local market, pricing, new developments in the market, local property laws, recent upcoming events, mortgage news and tips, open houses, new homes listed or sold. Your newsletter should also include information about your realty business.

Actionable Welcome Email

For your email, you have to tread carefully to avoid losing your valuable leads. The fact that you have the contact of the recipient means they can turn into customers. Send this email after your initial contact and thank the recipient for opting in.

Indicate the type of emails they expect and show why you are the best agent to do business with. For the best results, include a prominent call-to-action (CTA) in your welcome email. You can schedule a phone call or meeting, request to connect on social media.

Target Sellers in Your Area

If you have noticed a potential seller in the market, you have to be proactive by reaching out to them via email. Show the prospective client that their home is worth and also present yourself as the best agent to help with the sale.

The idea is to use this email to schedule a meeting where you can present your case better. This meeting could be all you need as 70% of home sellers only talk to one agent before signing a contract.

Personalized Emails for Former Clients

The greatest mistake real estate agents do is to treat former clients the same as new leads. You have to treat your previous clients with care and personalized emails can help. They already know you and your company and you want to cultivate the relationship. Send anniversary and holiday greeting cards and include a call to action (CTA) customized to their situation.

Automated Emails

Transactional emails triggered by client behavior have a high open-rate (80-85%). You should consider setting up an automated email system to send these emails as this increases your campaign’s ROI. Remember to personalize such emails to promote further engagement.

Final Thoughts
Email is not dead and as a real estate marketer, this is one of the most valuable tools in your campaigns. These simple tips can help you unlock the power of your email marketing campaigns. They will improve your ROI and give you an edge in the highly competitive real estate market.

5 Smart Ideas for Real Estate Agents to Leverage Email Marketing by Ben Shepardson | Realty Biz News

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