
Investing in Your Home’s Security & Safety Systems

Under Home | Lifestyle

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July 2nd, 2021

Protecting your home and your family can sometimes feel overwhelming. From the threat of break-ins to fires, floods, and other natural disasters, there are almost too many scenarios you need to consider.

If you’re ready to start increasing your home’s safety, keep reading to learn four investments that you need to make today.

1. Home Security Systems

One of the easiest ways to protect your home and your family is with some home security features. From security cameras to window and door alarms, modern technology has provided a variety of affordable solutions that allow you to tailor your protection to suit your needs.

Smart home security systems can be connected to your mobile device, allowing you to check in on your home’s cameras when you’re away. You can even utilize a monitoring service, which can alert you and emergency services when an alarm goes off.

Window and door alarms and smart locks are another great safety feature. These are easy to install and will alert you when a door or window is opened. Smart locks make it possible to check to see whether or not you locked your door on your way out, and some even allow you to remotely lock them if you did forget.

2. Smart Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are easy to overlook. Maybe you’re moving into a new home and fail to check that they’re located in all the right spots. Or you’ve lived in your current home for years but don’t keep up with replacing the batteries and checking to make sure they are operational. In either case, skipping this one simple task can have devastating consequences.

While any smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector is better than nothing, smart devices take protecting your family from fires or dangerous fumes to the next level. Smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors instantly alert you when smoke or CO2 is present in your home, even if you’re not there. This gives you more time to contact emergency services and get your family to safety.

3. Water Leak Detectors

Insurance claims for water damage have surged in recent years. While a leaking pipe might not be an immediate threat to your family’s safety, it is a big threat to your home, and to your wallet.

A water leak detector can alert you as soon as moisture is getting somewhere that it shouldn’t be. Whether you’re at home or away, you’ll have more time to stop the damage before it becomes an even more costly repair.

4. Don’t Neglect Low-Tech Safety Features

Smart home devices make it easier than ever to keep your home and your family safe. But even if you’re investing in the latest tech, don’t neglect low-tech safety features as well. From blinds and curtains on your windows to keep out prying eyes to light timers for while you’re away, there’s no shortage of small safety features that add up to big protection for your home.

Investing in Your Home’s Safety
Investing in your home’s safety is easier than you might think. With the help of smart home devices like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and water leak detectors, security systems, and low-tech features like light timers, you can keep out intruders and keep an eye on your home around the clock, even if you can’t be there in person.

4 Home Safety Investments You Need to Make by Al Twitty | Realty Biz News

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