
Must-Have Amenities for The Rental Properties

Under Real Estate

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February 13th, 2023

As the owner of a vacation rental property, one of your primary goals is likely to earn a substantial return on your investment. The key to earning a good income on your rental is making it desirable to potential renters. One of the first things people do when searching for a rental is a filter for desired amenities. If a place doesn’t have what renters need, it won’t even be seen. You can avoid this pitfall by including these ten must-have amenities in your rental property.

1. Stocked Kitchen
You can increase your odds of increasing your vacation rental income by including a stocked kitchen on your property. People typically rent homes rather than stay in hotels so that they can save money by cooking their own meals. Be sure to have, at minimum, a kitchenette with all the supplies necessary for food preparation, storage, and cleanup.

2. WiFi/Internet
People are accustomed to having 24/7 connectivity these days. While vacationers are looking for fun and relaxation, they probably still want to be able to stay in touch with loved ones, update social media and maybe even take care of some work while they’re aware. A property that lacks WiFi and internet accessibility also lacks renter appeal.

3. Television
While visitors to your property will probably spend a great deal of time out and about seeing the sights, they also want to be able to relax while in their home away from home. They’ll want a TV with plenty of entertainment options for unwinding in the evening. Be sure to also do your research on the top providers for television in your area to be sure you’ve secured quality access to an extensive lineup of programming. A TV doesn’t do much good if the cable or satellite is spotty.

4. Air Conditioning
Air conditioning is essential, particularly if your vacation rental is located in a warm and humid climate. Many vacationers choose to travel in the summer when their kids are out of school, so skipping out on this expense will surely turn away potential income streams.

5. Washer and Dryer
Another convenience most folks can’t do without is laundry access. No one wants to have to search for a laundromat in an unfamiliar city and then waste valuable vacation time sitting around waiting for their clothes to dry. Even if you have a small unit without space for a dedicated laundry room, a stackable washer and dryer in a closet will ensure more visitors will want to book your listing.

6. Pet Accommodations
You may be tempted to say no pets on your property, but that would be a mistake. More and more folks are traveling with their beloved animals these days, as it costs money to board them in a kennel. Plus, they may simply enjoy bringing their furry friend on their adventures. Don’t miss out on rental income by excluding pet owners. Add a pet fee to your price and be sure renters are informed they will be responsible for damages.

7. Parking
Most guests staying in a vacation rental will have their own car for driving around to see the sights. They need to have a place to park that vehicle and will definitely be turned off by properties that don’t include parking. If you don’t have a private driveway or access, it may be worth it to pay for public parking access and add that cost to your rental charges.

8. A Porch
While not a necessity, a porch or balcony can add a great deal to your listing. People love sitting outside to enjoy the sunshine or a cool evening breeze, and they’re likely to pay more for the ability to do so.

9. A Gaming Console
Kids and adults alike enjoy playing video games. As it’s a favorite pastime for so many, investing in a game system could definitely score you points when potential renters are deciding between properties.

10. Pool
Finally, swimming is an essential part of a vacation in the minds of many travelers. Having a pool at your property is a convenience people are likely willing to pay for and can really attract more visitors.

Adding these amenities to your rental property will require an initial investment. However, the effort and expense will pay off as more and more people are drawn to your listing. Failing to create an appealing and comfortable atmosphere in your rental could cost you in the long run.

10 Must-Have Amenities for Your Rental Property by Regina Thomas

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