
It’s The Perfect Time to Tackle Spring Cleaning & Decluttering Tasks

Under Home | Lifestyle, Homeselling | Homebuying, Real Estate

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March 9th, 2024

As the weather warms up and flowers start to bloom, spring is the perfect time to tackle those cleaning and decluttering tasks you’ve been putting off. If you’re planning to sell your home, this is also a crucial step to make your property more appealing to potential buyers. Here are some tips to help you get started on your spring cleaning and decluttering journey :

Start with a plan
Before you dive into cleaning and decluttering, take some time to create a plan. Make a list of all the areas in your home that need attention, prioritize tasks, and set a timeline for completing them.

Declutter first
Begin by decluttering your home. Go through each room and remove items that you no longer need or use. Consider donating, selling, or disposing of these items to free up space and make your home appear more spacious.

Focus on high-traffic areas
Pay special attention to high-traffic areas such as the living room, kitchen, and bathrooms. These areas are often the first to show signs of wear and tear and can benefit from a thorough cleaning and decluttering.

Clean from top to bottom
When it comes to cleaning, start at the top of each room and work your way down. Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, and shelves before moving on to furniture and floors. This will help ensure that you don’t miss any spots.

Don’t forget the exterior
Curb appeal is important when selling your home, so don’t neglect the exterior. Clean windows, pressure wash siding and walkways, and tidy up the landscaping to make a good first impression on potential buyers.

Consider hiring professionals
If you’re short on time or energy, consider hiring professionals to help with your spring cleaning and decluttering. A cleaning service can tackle the more difficult tasks, leaving you with more time to focus on other aspects of selling your home.

Stay organized
As you clean and declutter, stay organized by using bins, baskets, and labels to keep track of items. This will not only make the process more efficient but will also make it easier to pack up when it’s time to move.

Maintain a clean and clutter-free home
Once you’ve completed your spring cleaning and decluttering, make an effort to keep your home clean and clutter-free while it’s on the market. This will help ensure that it’s always ready for showings and will make it more appealing to potential buyers.

8 Spring Cleaning and Decluttering Tips for Sellers by Tyson Hill | zoocasa

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